Web Building:
I have created dozens of WordPress websites as a designer, web builder and often both.
At Norwood Morialta High School I learned that making art was more fun when it was solving a problem.
(2001-2005, SACE, TER: 91.65, Merit for Year 12 Geology)
At UniSA I learned about grids, harmony, tension, texture, typography, Illustrator™ and bureaucracy.
(2007-2009, Bachelor of Design [Visual Communication], Third Year Exhibition Committee)
At Fusion I learned about regular business hours, tracking time and working under a client manager.
(2009, Industry Placement followed by Casual Work as a junior)
At TafeSA I got my start in web building.
(2010, Dreamweaver course)
At Brand New Creative I learned about WordPress, clients, colleagues, coffee and the Fairwork Ombudsman.
(2010-2014 Full-Time, 2014-2015 Freelance)
In my home office I’ve learned how to value my own time, work independently and (mostly) resist distractions.
(2015 – Now, Full-Time Freelance)